Karina’s Lolita Skirt Journey (Part 2, Where Stitch Gets Real): Skirt Sewing Time!

Being a beginner sewist in a company that specializes in sewing patterns might sound intimidating, but honestly? It’s inspiring. As First Stop Cosplay®’s Content Writer, I get to observe how our small team of experts turns a new idea into a fully realized pattern with detailed instructions that make sewing a breeze. I’m constantly surrounded by passionate people, a wealth of sewing knowledge, and even a collection of books on fashion, patternmaking, and more!
So when it’s my turn to sit at the sewing machine, it feels a bit like stepping into someone else’s domain. But no one’s side-eyeing me like, “What are you doing?” — it’s quite the opposite. I’m met with curious eyes, enthusiasm, and plenty of “You got this!” reminders.

When I was encouraged to step into our customers’ shoes by sewing a pleated skirt, I was pleasantly surprised. You want me to sew? On the clock? Are you sure? But of course, research is just as much a part of writing as, well, the actual writing. So I jumped in!
The experience taught me so much that I decided to use our FSCO® Customizable Lolita Skirt Sewing Pattern [physical] [digital] to help me write future blog posts. My boss loved the idea, so I carved out a few hours each month to work on it. The verdict? Our patterns truly are beginner-friendly. Every detail that goes into our designs and instructions combines to make the sewing process as smooth as possible.

If you want to follow along from the beginning, check out Part 1, where I talk about cutting and prepping my fabric (and how I ended up with the adorable elephant print).
This is Part 2: where stitch gets real.
First Things First: Threading the Sewing Machine
Underrated. Underestimated. A necessary skill to get down. At first, it feels awkward, but with practice, threading your sewing machine becomes second nature. I had to ask for help multiple times because I’d forget a step or mess something up.
Lesson learned: Hold the thread close to the end for better control. It’s okay if it takes time to thread the needle — you're doing great!
Understanding your machine’s mechanics and how it functions is key to maintaining momentum and motivation to finish your project. The more familiar it feels, the easier it is to dive in without frustration slowing you down. And don’t forget the details — always double-check that you’re using the correct presser foot and stitch type for your intended seam.

Mastering these basics isn’t just helpful — it’s the foundation for getting the results you want. Every time you sit down to sew, you’ll be able to set up with confidence and get straight to work!
Sewing My Skirt in Six Steps
The sewing instructions were broken down into really digestible, logical steps, making it easy to follow along. Each step wasn’t just a single task — it was a series of smaller, manageable actions, guiding me through the process in a way that made sense. From sewing the waistband ties to installing the zipper, every part of the skirt came together piece by piece. Plus, the instructions didn’t just rely on words — photos and video tutorials provided extra clarity, ensuring I always knew what to do next. It felt like having a teacher right there with me!
Here’s a peek at the instructions:

Overall, the process was smooth! I’m not a DIY master by any means (my hobbies lean more toward reading, writing, and playing guitar), but I got the hang of it surprisingly fast! There’s something oddly relaxing about sewing. It’s mentally engaging yet meditative, satisfying to watch come together, like baking a cake or painting by numbers. Tactile, requiring careful attention to detail, repetitive in a way that lets you drift into a flow state — it scratches an itch I didn’t even know I had.

Check out my tidy waistband with ties!
Slight Setbacks? Just Blunderful.
While connecting the skirt panels was fairly straightforward, gathering the skirt required real concentration and lots of deep breaths. As they say: Slow and steady wins the race. Unfortunately, I tried to rush, pulled too hard, and snapped one of the gathering threads.
I then fudged my way through, managing to keep the gathers in place and pin them without redoing the basting stitches. To get an idea of the emotional rollercoaster I went through at this point, check out my recent post: 5 Stages of Grief When Seam Ripping. Essentially, instead of reaching stage 5 acceptance, I stopped at stage 3 bargaining and made it work with some finesse. (Mostly thanks to the advice of our patternmaker, Ashley, who helped me hold onto hope.)

The sewn gathers.
However, the rollercoaster didn’t end there, as this was not the last of my mishaps…
From Seam Ripper to Thread Clipper: Feeling Chipper!
Then, while sewing over the gathers to attach the waistband, I had to seam rip a small section in the dead center of the skirt because the fabric folded over itself. Of course I’d slip up in the most noticeable spot. How could I not?
Note to self: slow down, check your work, and adjust the fabric as you go. The instructions did warn me about this… but beginner mistakes, am I right? Speaking of which, check out my post on Common Beginner Sewing Mistakes to Avoid for more on that topic.

The skirt body attached to the waistband.
Then came the part I was most nervous about: the invisible zipper. Intimidating at first, but not bad at all! I used an invisible zipper foot, which helped with precision, but our pattern instructions also include a method for sewing an invisible zipper with a regular zipper foot (since most beginners won’t have a specialized foot, and regular zipper feet usually come standard with sewing machines). That way, no extra tools are required!
I might have sewn a bit too close to the zipper teeth in one spot, making it a little tricky to zip up smoothly, but I’ve been told it’ll loosen up over time. As long as it doesn’t break, we’re good! And so far, it’s holding up.
I used thread clippers to snip any strays I missed along the way, and ta-da! Job (almost) done. With the skirt complete, it came time for the really really fun part: a trip to Joann’s to shop for decorative trims on company time (and on the company’s dime!) — can I get a YAAAASSSS???
To be continued…
Stay tuned for Part 3, where I take you along on my trim-shopping excursion and show you how I decorated my skirt by hand. Plus, pictures revealing (dare I say?) the cutest thing I’ve ever made: my finished Lolita skirt!

Interested in getting into sewing or cosplay? Many of our sewing patterns are perfect for beginners tackling their first project! Already an experienced sewist looking for more to explore? We’ve got you too. Use the code KARINAJOURNEY15 to get 15% off the physical or digital version of our Lolita Skirt sewing pattern!
Whatever your level, we strive to make sewing more accessible. That’s why we offer size inclusive, premium quality paper and PDF printable sewing patterns with detailed, step-by-step digital instructions including visual guides and helpful reminders. Follow us on social media, join our public Discord, and sign up for our newsletter to stay in the loop!
Written by Karina M.